Step into Summer: Ease Neuropathy Pain with Riddle Wellness

Step into Summer: Ease Neuropathy Pain with Riddle Wellness

Published April 18, 2024 212 Views

As the warmer months approach, everyone looks forward to a more active and engaging summer. However, for those suffering from peripheral neuropathy, pain and discomfort can significantly hinder these plans. At Riddle Wellness, we understand the challenges posed by peripheral neuropathy—a condition c...

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Post-Accident Chiropractic Care with Riddle Wellness

Post-Accident Chiropractic Care with Riddle Wellness

Published February 26, 2024 256 Views

Accidents, whether minor fender-benders or more significant collisions, can have a profound impact on your physical well-being, often leading to discomforts that might not be immediately apparent. Riddle Wellness understands the complexities of injuries sustained from auto accidents, such as whiplas...

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How Decompression Therapy Can Help You Feel Better Faster

How Decompression Therapy Can Help You Feel Better Faster

Published June 16, 2023 480 Views

Living with chronic pain can be both physically and mentally exhausting. Whether it's caused by a herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, or nerve impingement, the pain can be debilitating and negatively affect your quality of life. If you're someone who's been struggling with pain for a while, t...

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How to Relieve Knee Pain Naturally

How to Relieve Knee Pain Naturally

Published October 6, 2022 730 Views

It’s always difficult to experience pain of any kind, especially when it affects your daily life activities. For many of us, knee pain can come in different forms. Sometimes it can be caused by overuse from exercise, injury due to a car accident, arthritis or other systemic inflammatory conditions t...

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Chiropractic Care for Migraines and Headaches

Chiropractic Care for Migraines and Headaches

Published August 3, 2022 784 Views

It’s common for people to experience headaches from time-to-time, whether it be from sinuses, stress, tension, or illnesses. Others, however, suffer from debilitating migraines, which can cause intense nausea, dizziness, and sensitivities to light and sounds. While some may reach for over-the-counte...

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Eliminating Pain and Discomfort for a More Active Summer

Eliminating Pain and Discomfort for a More Active Summer

Published June 10, 2022 757 Views

With summer right around the corner, it’s time to start enjoying the sunshine, warmer weather, and outdoor activities. Whether you enjoy swimming at the beach, hiking and camping at your favorite spot, barbequing with family, or vacationing to the tropics, summer offers an endless amount of fun with...

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Effective Treatments to Help Alleviate Winter Stiffness

Effective Treatments to Help Alleviate Winter Stiffness

Published March 16, 2022 832 Views

If you call the Western NY area home, you already know how brutally cold and nasty it can get during the long winter stretch.  For many, this results in spending far too much time stuck indoors being inactive.  And it’s no secret that the less you use your joints, the more stiff and painful they can...

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How Custom Orthotics Help Reduce and Eliminate Pain

How Custom Orthotics Help Reduce and Eliminate Pain

Published October 22, 2021 943 Views

When most people hear the word Orthotics, it’s understandable that many automatically associate them with foot pain.  And while they certainly can help reduce pain and stiffness in the feet and ankles, that’s merely one of the many benefits they offer.  Every step we take creates an impact that trav...

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How Modern Chiropractic Therapies Can Help Eliminate Pain

How Modern Chiropractic Therapies Can Help Eliminate Pain

Published September 15, 2021 1145 Views

It’s not uncommon to hear stories from individuals who, at some distant point in their past, tried Chiropractic treatment to help alleviate their daily pain—many of whom did not achieve the results they were hoping for.  And this is understandable for a number of reasons.  For starters, many people...

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How Common Nutrient Deficiencies Affect the Body

How Common Nutrient Deficiencies Affect the Body

Published June 18, 2021 1155 Views

It’s almost mind-boggling trying to understand how important and interconnected the body’s nutrient delivery and utilization system is. Each vitamin, mineral and co-factor affects various functions throughout the body, and a deficiency in even one can have a negative effect on numerous organ systems...

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How Diet and Spinal Health Can Affect Seasonal Allergies

How Diet and Spinal Health Can Affect Seasonal Allergies

Published April 13, 2021 1125 Views

With seasonal allergy season once again rearing its ugly head, many who suffer from mold, pollen, danger, ragweed and a bevy of others are dashing to the drug stores to stock up on their go-to OTC allergy medication. No surprise there, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with this. Still, it’s inter...

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Shedding Those Extra 2020 Pounds Safely and Effectively

Shedding Those Extra 2020 Pounds Safely and Effectively

Published February 3, 2021 1197 Views

The extra time spent at home during the pandemic resulted in countless individuals gaining weight. When a person’s routine changes significantly, the absence of basic activities is quite a shock to the system. Even things as mundane as walking to and from the vehicle, going out to lunch or traveling...

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Managing the Pain of Suddenly Decreased Mobility

Managing the Pain of Suddenly Decreased Mobility

Published October 21, 2020 1404 Views

The past year has upended virtually every aspect of our day to day lives. Of the many examples we could site here, the sudden shift from office life to work from home has drastically reduced—and in some cases eliminated—the daily activity levels of countless individuals. When you instantly break a m...

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New Patient $47 Chiropractic Special in Rochester NY

New Patient $47 Chiropractic Special in Rochester NY

Published June 13, 2020 1732 Views

If you’re like so many others who have been cooped-up for months, there’s a good chance that you’re noticing some stiffness or pain as a result of decreased activity.  This is completely normal, as significant lifestyle changes often have a profound impact on the joints, back, circulation and other...

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Flatten Your Curves in Time for the Warm Summer Season

Flatten Your Curves in Time for the Warm Summer Season

Published April 20, 2020 1542 Views

It’s Spring, and yes, right now much of the world is in a state of stay-at-home lockdown.  But like you, the team at Riddle Wellness understands that, at some point, life is going to return to normal.  So while New Yorkers from across the state do their part to help flatten the curve of COVID-19, th...

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How MLS Laser is Helping People Live Pain Free

How MLS Laser is Helping People Live Pain Free

Published March 8, 2020 1624 Views

As one of Rochester’s busiest chiropractic centers, we’ve seen our fair share of pain elimination technologies come and go over the years.  Some are remarkable in their ability to help patients reduce or even completely eliminate daily pain, and MLS Laser Therapy is certainly one that ranks high on...

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Start the New Year Pain-free and Energized

Start the New Year Pain-free and Energized

Published December 17, 2019 1482 Views

Of the many New Year’s resolutions we make each year, few are as popular as those centered around making physical improvements.  Whether it’s losing weight, becoming active, or overcoming physical struggles that are more personal or specific in nature, the popularity of these late-winter pacts is ma...

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Keeping Pain-free During Winter

Keeping Pain-free During Winter

Published October 20, 2019 1594 Views

Staying Pain free During the Winter Months The winter months can be notorious when it comes to increased joint pain, stiffness and all-around mobility challenges. And while there are a number of reasons for why this particular time of year is so especially hard on our knees, hips and back and oth...

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Free Spine Evaluation for Professionals and Computer Uses

Free Spine Evaluation for Professionals and Computer Uses

Published September 15, 2019 1518 Views

Anyone who spends hours at their desk, cubical or behind a computer will be the first to tell you what a number it can do on their back.  Staring at computer screens for extended periods can put people in a very unnatural position which, over time, can result in a wide range of alignment problems, p...

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How Laser Therapy Reduces Pain

How Laser Therapy Reduces Pain

Published August 9, 2019 1867 Views

  So you’ve heard some benefits to using What Painkillers Actually Do Let’s talk briefly about the involvement of painkillers in your injury. While their main function is to eliminate pain, that doesn’t take away the problem that is causing the pain. Neurotransmitters send pain signals...

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Don’t Spend Another Summer in Pain

Don’t Spend Another Summer in Pain

Published March 21, 2019 1666 Views

While many people can’t wait for the summer season to arrive, there are just as many who dread it on account of their daily pain.  For some, they simply find themselves unable to enjoy the outdoor activities they once looked forward to.  For others, it means dealing with the pain in ways that can be...

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Health & Wellness Workshops

Published February 24, 2019 1614 Views

Hire Dr. Nate Riddle for your Health & Wellness Workshops! Some topics below are: Stress - Fact: 90 percent of all doctor visits are for stress related issues. Your stress is killing you. Learn the 3 ways to outsmart it! Diabetes - Fact: Diabetes is the largest epidemic since the black plagu...

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Celebrities Who Credit Everything to Their Chiropractors

Celebrities Who Credit Everything to Their Chiropractors

Published January 12, 2019 4295 Views

Chiropractic care can help lower blood pressure, alleviate chronic back pain, reduce inflammation, help prevent headaches, and yield many other health benefits. Going to a chiropractor is so life-changing, in fact, that many celebrities and famous athletes credit some of their greatest professional...

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Natural Solutions to Neck Pain with Chiropractic

Natural Solutions to Neck Pain with Chiropractic

Published July 7, 2018 2258 Views

There’s a crucial difference between a stiff neck and chronic neck pain. The former happens occasionally when you wake up in the morning and lasts about a day. Maybe you do some stretches and grab an ice pack from the fridge. But the latter is a different story. Chronic neck pain is typic...

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Reducing Pain with Advanced KDT Decompression Therapy

Reducing Pain with Advanced KDT Decompression Therapy

Published June 10, 2018 2514 Views

In this video Dr. Nate Riddle of Riddle Wellness in Rochester NY demonstrates an advanced pain reducing technique that is fast, highly effective and completely non-invasive.  Advanced KDT Decompression Therapy has proven very effective in helping patients suffering with a wide array of nerve pain, i...

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Natural Solutions to Poor Energy by Avoiding Toxic Foods

Natural Solutions to Poor Energy by Avoiding Toxic Foods

Published June 1, 2018 1949 Views

We all deal with sluggishness in life. For some it seems to invade our day to day and keep us from our natural vitality and passion. It may surprise you to consider a lifestyle change that doesn’t include more caffeine but is guaranteed to boost energy. Most people drink coffee, and some even...

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23rd Annual Kids Day

23rd Annual Kids Day

Published May 25, 2018 1967 Views


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Build a Titanium Immune System

Build a Titanium Immune System

Published January 15, 2018 2461 Views

Childhood diseases can be survived naturally, without vaccinations. Vaccines are loaded with toxins and can cause adverse reactions. Learn how to prevent the flu without shots using the 5 Essentials of Optimal Health as your shield. Real health comes from within! Join us for our Advanced Workshop...

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Don’t Wait Until the New Year to Start Getting Healthy

Don’t Wait Until the New Year to Start Getting Healthy

Published December 3, 2017 2252 Views

It can be easy—especially during the holiday season—for a person to put off their health and wellness goals until the first of the upcoming new year.  But as we all know, the benefits of living a healthy or pain-free life don’t necessarily coincide with the calendar.  They’re with us all year long,...

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Natural Solutions to Headaches through Good Nutrition

Natural Solutions to Headaches through Good Nutrition

Published November 2, 2017 2161 Views

Headaches often take brief and temporary roles in our life, but they can also become loathsome burdens. Whether it’s the sharpness of the pain or how long they last, a persistent or severe headache can turn a good day into an uphill battle. Oftentimes we go right for the aspirin. It’s a quick fix...

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