It’s common for people to experience headaches from time-to-time, whether it be from sinuses, stress, tension, or illnesses. Others, however, suffer from debilitating migraines, which can cause intense nausea, dizziness, and sensitivities to light and sounds. While some may reach for over-the-counter relief, or feel like they’ve tried nearly everything but still can’t find relief, there is another option that can help.

Chiropractic Care for Migraines and HeadachesChiropractic care is a safe way to help manage migraines and headaches, and the symptoms that come with it. Because headaches can often times be caused by muscle spasms in the neck, or inflammation of the nerves, working with a trusted chiropractor may help bring relief. A chiropractic adjustment is a gentle and non-invasive technique that can help:

  • Restore movement of the facet joints
  • Correct misalignments of the spine
  • Reduce pain and inflammation
  • Improve range of motion
  • Release pressure of nerves
  • Restore function of the nervous system

For more information about how chiropractic can help relieve migraines and headaches, or if you’re interested in scheduling an appointment, contact us today. We can be reached by phone at 585-670-0020 or by visiting our contact page. Riddle Wellness is located at 435 West Commercial Street, Suite 4, in East Rochester, NY and is proud to serve the Rochester community.