Vaccine Education


Vaccine Education


"Frightening parents about the consequences of failing to vaccinate their children will most likely be part of the campaign. For that task, meningococcal meningitis is ideal."

Dr. Lance Rodewald, CDC Director of Immunization Services

NY Times, October 27, 2004

There is no shortage of ways to scare the public and, sadly, vaccination is a perfect example of how effective fear can be.  TV, movies, news, online reports, etc.  Whether it's a video channel set up at the behest of the vaccine makers, or a subtle reference in television referring to those who do not vaccinate as being insane, stupid or uneducated, one does not need to look too far to see the hand of disinformation hard at work.

One of the most common tactics used to deliberately scare parents into vaccinating their kids, of course, is imagery.  It is very common to see articles on the importance of vaccines side-by-side with images of babies with missing limbs, birth defects and other heartbreaking deformities.  What parents in some cases are not being told, is that some of the most famed pro-vaccine scare tactic photos are actually from decades ago, taken of infants and children who were victims of the most severe forms of polio and other diseases which are no longer a real threat.

Bought & Paid for Doctor Testimonials

Another popular means of terrifying parents into letting the establishment mega-dose their children, is through the use of physician testimonials.  This is because, for lack of better terms, we trust our doctors and assume that they inherently have our best interests at heart.  As one begins looking into their backgrounds, though, you have to wonder whether their intentions hold any merit at all.  Some of the physicians used to promote vaccination have extremely close ties with big pharma, lobby groups and the CDC.

So we have to ask ourselves: Are these truly the unbiased opinions of respected, independent medical experts, or nothing more than bogus, unfounded testimonials from titled shills who are benefiting directly, or being paid-off to help further the pro-vaccination agenda?

Important Questions to Ask Before Vaccinating Your Child

Before allowing yourself to get caught up in slam campaigns that blatantly attempt to shame parents for not giving their children the "very best" in medical care, it can be helpful to ask some fundamental questions.   Here are a few things to consider as you form your own opinions on whether or not to vaccinate:

To date, where has my information on vaccines been coming from, and do the experts I've been trusting have a stake in the profitability of vaccination?

Would my child's health best be described as sick or healthy?

Do I know the full list of ingredients and chemicals found in today's vaccines?

Is there any personal or family history of adverse reactions to prior vaccinations?

Does our family have a history of immune disorders, allergies or neurological disorders?

How informed am I on the real health risks of modern vaccinations?

Do I understand the potential for short- and long-term vaccine side effects?

Would I be in a position to properly identify and handle my child's reaction to a vaccine?

Do I understand the current agenda to make full-spectrum vaccinations mandatory in the US?

Have I fully researched the way health and disease statistics have changed since the onset of increased vaccinations?

For more information on how the body responds to chemicals such as those listed, as well as others, please reference our section on Vaccination and Disease.