Our Services


Our Services


When a patient seeks chiropractic health care and we accept a patient for such care, it is essential for both to be working towards the same objective.

Chiropractic has only one goal. It is important that each patient understand both the objective and the method that will be used to attain it. This will prevent any confusion or disappointment.

Adjustment: An adjustment is the specific application of forces to facilitate the body’s correction of vertebral subluxation. Our chiropractic method of correction is by specific adjustment of the spine.

Health: A state of optimal physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Vertebral Subluxation: a misalignment of one or more of the 24 vertebrae in the spinal column which causes alteration of nerve function and interference to the transmission of mental impulses, result in a lessening of the body’s innate ability to express its maximum health potential. We do not offer to diagnose or treat any diseases or condition other than vertebral subluxation. However, if during the course of a chiropractic spinal examination, we encounter non-chiropractic or unusual findings, we will advise you. If you desire advice, diagnosis or treatment for those findings we will recommend that you seek the services of another health care provider.

Regardless of what the disease is called, we do not offer to treat it, nor do we offer advice regarding treatment prescribed by others. OUR ONLY PRACTICE OBJECTIVE is to eliminate a major interference to the expression of the body’s innate wisdom. Our only method is specific adjusting to correct vertebral subluxations.

I have read and fully understand the above statements. All questions regarding the doctor’s objectives pertaining to my care in this office have been answered to complete satisfaction.  I, therefore, accept chiropractic care on this basis.


Pregnancy Release (For Women Only)

This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge I am not pregnant and the above doctor and his/her associates have my permission to perform an x-ray evaluation. I have been advised that x-rays can harm a fetus (unborn child) in the early stages.

Consent to evaluate and treat a minor child

I, being the parent or legal guardian of

Have read and fully understand the above terms of acceptance and hereby grant permission for my child to receive chiropractic care.